Omerta Cigars Doble Capa Barberpole Cigar Box


 The Beauty of Barber Pole Cigars

Cigars have long been a symbol of sophistication and luxury, and among the many varieties, the "barber pole" cigar stands out with its unique appearance and complex flavor profile. These cigars are not only visually striking but also offer a delightful smoking experience that combines the best of two distinct wrappers.

The Double Wrapper: A Visual and Flavorful Delight

The term "barber pole" refers to the double wrapper design that spirals around the cigar, much like the classic barber pole. This design is not just for show; it plays a significant role in the flavor and aroma of the cigar. The combination of a superb Connecticut Shade wrapper and a dark San Andres Maduro wrapper creates a harmonious blend of flavors. The Connecticut Shade provides a creamy, mild profile, while the San Andres Maduro adds depth with its rich, earthy tones.

Cuban Seeded Binder and Fillers

At the heart of the barber pole cigar is its binder and filler. These cigars use a Cuban seeded binder, which contributes to the cigar's overall structure and flavor complexity. The fillers are sourced from the Dominican Republic, a region renowned for its high-quality tobacco. This blend results in a smooth yet flavorful smoking experience, perfect for both newcomers and seasoned cigar aficionados.

A Smooth Yet Flavorful Experience

The barber pole cigar is known for delivering a balanced experience. The dual wrappers and premium fillers work together to provide a smoke that is both smooth and full of flavor. Smokers can expect a dynamic range of tastes, from creamy and nutty to rich and spicy, making each puff an adventure.


In conclusion, the barber pole cigar is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and flavor. Its stunning appearance and intricate blend of wrappers, binder, and fillers create a cigar that is as enjoyable to look at as it is to smoke. Whether you're indulging in a special occasion or simply enjoying a quiet moment, a barber pole cigar offers an unforgettable experience.

Size: Robusto 50x5

Box of 25 wrapped cigars sealed in a case with humidification pack included